Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Blazer:Vintage Pendleton
Top: Thrifted
Skirt: Hand made
Shoes: Thrifted.

Hello Lovelies.
I hope you all had a fantastic 4th of July. I spent the majority of it lounging around and being lazy, which is the best way to spend a holiday.
I made the skirt back in March during spring break. It was the first skirt that I had ever sewn. It turned out a big, so I had to take it in. Most patterns are not meant for petite people like myself. I used the New Look 6918 pattern, if any of you are in interested in sewing.
I found this top at a local thrift store and I fell in love with the sequins. It totally jazzes up the black top.
I have recently began a love affair with sequins. I had never really cared for them before, but I am now on a man hunt to find more sequin pieces. Maybe even a blazer like this one?


  1. Red and blue,amazing! <3 Love your blazer.

  2. That's great that you made that skirt, it looks like it's well sewn. If you like that blue sequin blazer you'd love the bandeau that I made from sequin fabric!

  3. Thanks for your comment and for following my blog!:) You have an amazing style,I'm following you too!


  4. love the rock vibe of your outfit!) hope you can check out my blog for some+vibes and inspiration! i'm also having a great giveaway! xo

  5. Loving the red, black and blue together. The ripped stockings add a whole extra edge : )


  6. Red and blue are great together! And I love the sequinned details!

    Following you now on Bloglovin, I would love it if you followed me back!

    Thank you in advance:)
    Stories and Sequins

  7. I love the blazer! and you look pretty!
    Nice Blog
    I followed. I would love if you follow back mine ;)

    xoxo, Gloria
